Ha! The age old debate! You're either an iPhone or an Android.
First of all, I'm not a fan of Apple. I hate their stupid phones, I hate their stupid "tablet", I hate their stupid laptops (although, they are extremely light), I hate their stupid software. I hate their stupid rainbow wheel of death. HATE IT!!!
And yes I'm quite biased, I grew up with Windows machines, but I've had my fair share of Apple products.
I first started using Mac's in highschool, and I wasn't so keen.
Then, of course, who could forget the iPod? those "Jerk it out" ads had everyone hooked. I had an iPod Mini and was absolutely devastated when one day it wouldnt work. It showed a little dead iPod with a url for apple support. THAT DIDN'T REALLY HELP ME!!
Another thing I hate about Apple products, forced obsolescence. Not only is it terrible for the environment, it is extrememly expensive.
So I got a new iPod around the same time my family's computer crashed and Dad got us a Mac desktop. This was also around the same time as the "Hi, I'm a Mac" ads with Justin Long were out. Still wasn't so kee, but I guess I was thankful because I was forced to know how to use one. A few things I discovered while doing this:
Fast forward a few years and my parents go over to America and bring me back an iPhone. I wasn't so happy, but it was a present, so I took. Most of my friends laughed, they knew my disdain for the thing.
Eventually I wanted to get rid of it so much I used my boyfriends old Nokia E63. I wanted buttons, I wanted to make my own rigntones, I didn't want to have to sync my phone with iTunes and lose most of what I had downloaded elsewhere. I wanted the simplicity, and while Apple's main grab is that it is simple, it's waaaaay too complicated!
The only product I actually appreciate is iTunes and Genius. iTunes is funky, and it is easy to use, and Genius is exactly what I was looking for in a music player. I have all my music and if I feel like listening to a particular type I can just click the nucleus and I have an entire playlist.
I think it's funny how there is this Apple vs everyone culture, you're either with them or against them. You're with Apple because it's cool, or you;re a designer, or you're with the others because you like having something that works.
If I were to go with a Smartphone it would be a Samsung Galaxy, because it allows for more changable interaface.
I like this quote from Larry Page "That phone you're carrying around, we think of it as a
phone, but it's really a computer, right?[...]We've
learned from computers that it's really nice to have complete
connectivity, to be able to connect anything in a kind of open way...the phone is your main computing
platform. We look at those technologies and say, wow, we could do a
whole lot more."(quoted in Roth, 2008)
Page's quote really gets users, it shws what a consumer wants from their device. I find that mostly people buy iPhone's because it's the most popular, they don't really know much about it. If they did any kind of research they would know that an Android platform is a clear winner.
Mainly I hate Apple's because everyone has them, and the paranoid geek inside me envisages a future where we are all controlled through our Apple devices!
I'll leave you with how Family Guy creators feel about Macs
Roth, D. (2008) 'Google's Open Source Android OS Will Free the Wireless Web'. Wired, June 23. [URL: http://www.wired.com/techbiz/media/magazine/16-07/ff_android]
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