Sunday, January 25, 2009


Talking about blogging in my blog...screams original

My new past time is random blogging ie. posting, reading, commenting etc.
it's right up there with youtubing, porn trawling and wikipedia-ring for stupid-stupid-things-you-do-on-the-internet-when-you're-bored-or-otherwise.

I'd like to thank a friend for the inspiration, or rather friendS; a writer and a reader.

Yeah so to pass the time these days i'm going to blog

*screams, cries of agony, world wide depression* with it

Don't expect much thoug, like comedy or wisdom, mine will be COMPLETELY RANDOM!


But i've just had a revelation...

blogging is "talking to yourself" of the 21st century. think about it, i don't expect anyone to actually read this, and i dont regard this as a diary... so this is me talking to myself on the inter-ma-net.

"That's enough Ali"

sorry that's my consience interjecting, time for me to leave